Just another normal day at home till Jeff come over around 5pm and ask me to go watch movie.
I was like so WTF? suddenly come over and ask me go.
Didn't even giv me time to prepare.DIU!
Have a quick bath and then went to fetch Vin and Hong before went over Jusco.
Then things dun seems to turn out wad it wanna to be.
There isn't any showcase of the movie we wanna watch x.x!!
Damn. Lucky Eric called and asked wanna go E.P or not.
Since nth do le so just went there and play poker=X
Someone was so high tat night till he sing so much.
Really admire him damn Eric. =X
Hmm. While in jusco we got nth do so we went over to play Gochapon @@
Just look how beautiful those grims is =X
Gathering At Jelutong
hehe. real life guild 'shishen' had a gathering at jelutong.
SeiZai rented a Motel nearby jelutong for everyone to meet there...
Planned to go there with Kenny around 5pm already.
But end up delayed due to waiting Kenny Father to come back to care of his shop~
Aihs. We're become latecomer instead of early bird ><
I was lis 'wow' when arrive there. So many people.
So many people there but so less that i know.
I think just 10 our of 30 plus ppl there tat i know.
Well, firstly when i walk in i just felt so shy~
Looks like a stranger cos those tat i know are inside the house.
So just stand outside and talk with some frens tat i really know =x
Well, they make steamboat. 1`of a kind steamboat =X
"PorriedgeSteamboat" =.=""
It looks weird at first sight cos, just never see it b4.
But we just throw everything in =X
Crab, Prawn,Fishball,Meatball,Meat,Chicken Meat, veg, etc.
Turn out the taste are great~
After that already around 1am.
Seizai then plan to go shake head =.=
So we make into 2 groups.
1st. go shake head
2nd. go cc gaming.
And of cos i will chose no.2 .
If follow them go shake head later my head might fall off =X
Played around 3hours. Then time pass so fast. Gosh its already morning.
Went back to the banglo tat time.
But too bad. We cant seem to find a place to sleep ==!!
Then just walk around till 7am and started go regain the enegy bac.
Then everyone were bac tat time. And gather in a room.
Feel so kepo and went in to have a look.
Then once walk in kena le x.x
Ask me join them play Poker.
Loser drink those chivas directly from the bottle x.x
Lucky me just lose few round then no need drink so much.
If not sure dead there and get raped x.x
Thx to the alcohol. It make me sleepy again.
Quickly find a place on the bed to lay off and slp.
Too bad. Just can slp for around 2hour+.
So damn tired !!
Later then directly went home and have a cold bath.
Wala~ not sleepy snymore =="
Thats the day =X